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    Leading Research BioTech Company



    Biotech business with an excellent safety record of more than 2500 clinical treatments. Company designs, manufactures, and markets affinity blood filtration products. A new and highly innovative hemofiltration device that uses patented and proprietary biomimetic technology to quickly remove bacteria, fungi, bacterial toxins, viruses, proinflammatory cytokines, and sepsis mediators from a patient who is afflicted with bloodstream infection.

    Investment Appeal

    Millions of patients affected globally sepsis market north of 30 million cases each year.

    Other applications of this technology may be used as a countermeasure for bioweapons attack (COVID), PDAC cancer, to prevent the side effects of the use of ECMO and cardiopulmonary bypass in diagnostics, blood banking, and bioprocessing.

    Just 10x trailing net income could value the company up to $40 Billion by the end of 2028.

    Growth Opportunity

    Strong Management

    Gross Profit Margins >85%

    Basic Details

    Target Price:


    Business ID:



    United States


    Business ID:L#20240619
    Target Price: TBA
    Contact M&A Advisor

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      Biotech business with an excellent safety record of more than 2500 clinical treatments. Company designs, manufactures, and markets affinity blood filtration products. A new and highly innovative hemofiltration device that uses patented and proprietary biomimetic technology to quickly remove bacteria, fungi, bacterial toxins, viruses, proinflammatory cytokines, and sepsis mediators from a patient who is afflicted with bloodstream infection.

      Investment Appeal

      Millions of patients affected globally sepsis market north of 30 million cases each year.

      Other applications of this technology may be used as a countermeasure for bioweapons attack (COVID), PDAC cancer, to prevent the side effects of the use of ECMO and cardiopulmonary bypass in diagnostics, blood banking, and bioprocessing.

      Just 10x trailing net income could value the company up to $40 Billion by the end of 2028.

      Growth Opportunity

      Strong Management

      Gross Profit Margins >85%

      MergersCorp M&A
      International As Seen On

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